An Engineering Council Affiliated Society Spotlight

American Chemical Society

Chemistry for Life.

What is the American Chemical Society (ACS)?

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is dedicated to fostering solidarity among undergraduate scientists and encouraging a love for chemistry. They aim to provide early career development through various events and mentorship, ultimately facilitating a forum for networking with peers and professors.

With an approximate member count of 300-400 undergraduate students, ACS represents a diverse array of chemists, from those in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Chemistry Minors, and all those in between. But as President Parmeet Kaur notes, “Any major or curious student is able to join!”

What does ACS do throughout the school year?

Pizza Lectures and Chemistry Cafes

Each semester, ACS hosts 3 Pizza Lectures and 3 Chemistry Cafes, events geared towards giving interested students more facetime with professors and their research. 

In the more formal Pizza Lectures, invited professors from both UIUC and other universities come to give a presentation about their research, typically highlighting a published paper from their group’s recent work. To help students become more comfortable reading and understanding scientific literature, ACS provides printed copies of the discussed paper for all attending students to make it easier to follow along.

This year, ACS has featured Pizza Lectures from Professor Martin Gruebele (whose experimental and computational work focuses on topics in chemical and biological physics)  and Professor Jeff Moore (whose current research focuses on polymer mechanochemistry).

ACS’s Chemistry Cafes, in comparison to the Pizza Lectures, are more casual opportunities for students to gain some early career development and mentorship. Over coffee and donuts, students find new opportunities to converse with professors about their research and careers.

This year, ACS has hosted Chemistry Cafes with Professor Anastasia Manesis (whose work focuses on structural and mechanistic studies of metalloenzymes) and Professor Huimin Zhao (a professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Bioengineering, whose work is dedicated to engineering functionally improved or novel proteins, pathways, and genomes).

Welcome Back Barbeque

At the beginning of each school year, ACS also hosts a Welcome Back Barbeque as students, new and old, flock back campus. This year, they co hosted with a few other Chemistry RSOs: Women in Chemical Sciences (WiCS), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AiCHE), and Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE).

Halloween Fun Night

This fall, ACS also threw their third annual “Halloween Fun Night” for community elementary children. With everyone gathered in Noyes 100, ACS put on a Halloween-themed magic show, with classic demonstrations such as elephant’s toothpaste, liquid nitrogen and hot water (that creates hissing, potion-like explosions), and color changing acid-base solutions!

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Outside of the Noyes Laboratory on the Main Quad, ACS throws their annual liquid nitrogen ice cream event with members of the Executive Board freezing up vanilla ice cream for any member that walks by. Advisor Professor Rodriguez-Lopez and his graduate students assist in sourcing and transporting the liquid nitrogen!

Monthly Chapter Meetings

In their monthly Chapter meetings, ACS works to provide their members with as much academic and professional enrichment as possible. They invite speakers from all different backgrounds (such as the graduate student they invited to speak from Cornell University this year) to help provide a holistic perspective of the field of chemistry. This year, they’ve held an internship panel, an undergraduate research panel, and a green chemistry presentation!

Weekly Tutoring Hours

ACS also hosts weekly tutoring hours during which students can come to ask any generic professional or academic questions!

General Meetings, including Kahoot at the first General Meeting to kick off the school year!

Looking to get Involved?

You can join anytime! Just come to an event! Events are publicized in their newsletter two weeks in advance, as well as on ACS’s GroupMe, Instagram (@illinois_acs), and website ( 

To be added to ACS’s mailing list, fill out the membership form on their website.

To become an official member of ACS, it is:

$50 for a 4-year membership or $20 for a 1-year membership and includes 1 T-Shirt each year! To pay, please see ACS’s website for more information.

Additionally, ACS is a Chapter of the National American Chemical Society, giving them the ability to sponsor students interested in attending a conference. 

Pizza Lecture in Noyes 100

Chem Cafe with Prof. Anastasia Manesis

2023 Welcome Back Barbeque

Halloween Fun Night in Noyes 100

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream on the Main Quad

2023 Leadership

Academic Advisor: Professor Joaquin Rodriguez-Lopez

President: Parmeet Kaur*

Vice President: Chinmay Saharabudhe

Treasurer: Tylor Takahashi

Secretary: Evan Shao

Outreach Chair: Jazmin Garcia

Academic Chair: Andrew Yue

Social Chair: Amylda Shlimon

Chapter Coordinator: Yating Feng

ACS currently has one committee, Outreach, which plans the RSO’s Engineering Open House (EOH) booth and Halloween Fun Night. All other events are organized by the Executive Board.

Looking Forward - ACS’s Goals for the School Year

This year, ACS has aimed to host a more balanced mix of graduate school and industry-related events, in particular working to increase medical school representation. With their strides to represent a stronger variety of career paths this year, ACS has observed a rise in event attendance!

*A Special Thank You to Parmeet Kaur for speaking with the Engineering Council Publicity Committee about ACS and for providing all included photos!